Aluminum Silicate Ceramic Fiber Module
Classified temperature
Ordinary Aluminum Silicate Ceramic Fiber Module 1100℃
Standard Aluminum Silicate Ceramic Fiber Module 1260℃
High Purity Aluminum Silicate Ceramic Fiber Module 1260℃
High Aluminum Aluminum Silicate Ceramic Fiber Module 1360℃
Containing Zirconium Aluminum Silicate Ceramic Fiber Module 1430℃
For simplifying and accelerating kiln construction, improving the overall performance of furnace lining that the new refractory furnace lining is instead of traditional heavy refractory material, and promoting the progress of kiln masonry technology.
Excellent chemical stability: good thermostability and good thermal shock resistance
Excellent flexibility: The ceramic fiber module is in preloading condition, after furnace lining masonry, the expanding of the mold make the lining without aperture and making up the shrinking of ceramic fiber kiln lining
that improving the thermal insulation of fiber kiln linling, the whole performance is good.
The quickly installing of ceramic fiber mold and the anchor install on a grim wall lining that reducing the material requirement of anchor.
According different customers we can design the thermal insulation and
training the construction.